








しかし、大きな疑問が残ります。 "太陽" はどこからやって来て、どのようにして創造されたのでしょうか?






その次に、与えられた時間の期間の後で、それは、その動きを逆転させます。一例として、それが時計回りで転げ回っていても、停止して、反時計回りで転げ回るためにその姿勢を逆転させる時、宇宙空間の破片の塊と、その天体の周囲のさまざまな種類のガス類は、積み重なります。それからより重い物体は、さまざまな距離で凝固することを始めます。後にこれらは、これらの中心の天体つまり太陽によってコントロールされるそれらのそれぞれの軌道の中の惑星になるのです [訳注.アダムスキー氏は、中心の太陽が最初に創られて、その後で惑星群が創られると述べているようです] 。それから、より激しい摩擦が、太陽のボディとぶつかって引き起こされます。そして、それはその影響の縁(ふち)にまで強烈な電磁力または原子力を放射する輝く塊になります。







チリのあらゆる微粒子群は、サイズにかかわらず、何らかの種類の細菌やタネを持っていますが、この細菌やタネはきわめて小さいので、顕微鏡で見つけだすことは、難しいでしょう。けれども、それはそこにあるのです。というのは、あらゆるコンディションが適切な時、その惑星はあらゆる種類の植物、昆虫の生命、微生物、鳥類、そして、人間の肉体を含む動物を、再び産み出すことができるからです。あらゆる植物、私たちが知っているすべてのものを、そのボディから生み出すのは、地球、つまりその惑星でないですか? そして、それは、私たちが今日地球で知っている生命体のためのタネや細菌が、それが行なうようにそれが再び産み出すために、地球にあらねばならなかったことを示しています。これは、あらゆる惑星でも本当です。それゆえ、私たちは「宇宙空間それ自体が形あるものを構成するその生命体に対する答えを持っている」と言うことができます。惑星が宇宙空間の破片やチリから作られたことを思い出してください。























さて、あなたは、「 "神" は、このプランのどこに適合するのですか?」とたずねるかもしれません。あなたが "至高の存在" 、 "神" と呼ぶであろうと、他の名前で呼ぶであろうとも、あらゆる現われ[顕現]の背後には、ある性質の "偉大な英知" があるのです。




(訳 I.K)


George Adamski


When in a ship on one of the trips I was shown on a very large-screen, similar to our television, how systems are created.


Some large bodies are traveling wild through interstellar space and travel that way for thousands of, years. As space is limitless, there is no way of knowing how far these bodies have traveled.
There are many theories among our scientists on how systems are created, some state that the central sun had much to do with the creation of our system. Even the Atomic Energy Commission stated, by analyzing meteorites, that our system is between 4 and 6 billion years old. And according to their theory all the. planets within it were created simultaneously. If this is true, then all the planets in our system are the same age, the only difference would be that form life may differ in age on each planet, for some would produce earlier than others.


But the big question remains, where did the Sun come from and how was it created?


The big bodies that travel wild through interstellar space have been formed from space debris which include the dust particles of various sizes which exist in space. One small body made of space dust, whirling through space, adheres to others and attracts space debris until it grows into an immense size, like rolling a snow ball over snow. The growth of these spheres varies. In the case of the Sun, if the sphere forms more or less like a billard ball, quite smooth and keeps on traveling' through space for millions of years without any combustion taking place within its center, it becomes a powerful magnetic ball. For. as it travels at terrific speed it creates an intense friction and becomes more and more magnetized, until it is a virtual power plant of atomic energy, which is electrical.


When it becomes magnetized to a capacity the energy begins to overflow but it does not escape from the body of the sphere. It keeps creating a sort of atmosphere of gases around it as it moves through space, until it reaches a limitation, which might be millions of miles away from its body and its whole mass whirls with it.


Then after a given period of time it reverses its motion. As an example, when it has been rolling clock-wise and stops and reverses its position to roll anti-clock-wise, the mass of space debris and the gases of various kinds surrounding the sphere pile up. Then the heavier matter starts to solidify at various distances and these later become planets in their respective orbits, controlled 'by their central sphere, or sun. Then a heavier friction is set up against the body of the sun and it becomes a glowing mass, radiating heavy electromagnetic or atomic force to the edge of its influence, which we call a solar system. The planets within its system continue. to grow and become bumpy and irregular by taking on space debris which form mountains and sluf(1) off dust particles forming indentations which later become oceans. This action never stops, for as some throw off matter from their bodies, others take on what they throw off. Back and forth the process goes on, with the central sun exerting its in fluence upon these bodies more and more.


(1) sluf --> sluff


Finally the sun becomes very radio-active from the center of its being to the surface of its circumference and it sets certain elements around itself on fire or constant explosions, Just as the atomic bombs do, agitating space for a great distance. Of course this will have an end in time when all energy is exhausted aixi the system and-the planets within it will return to dust or space debris from which they were created.



Form Life on the Planets.


All particles of dust, regardless of size, have one or another kind of germ or seed, so minute that it would be hard to find with a microscope, yet it is there, for the planet, when all conditions are right is able to reproduce vegetation of all kinds, insect life, microbes, fowl and animal, including man's body. For is it not the earth, or the planet out of whose body all vegetation and everything that we know is born? Which shows that the seed or the germ for the form life that we know on earth today, had to be in the earth for it to reproduce as it does, This is true of all. planets, so we. can say that space itself has the answer to form life of which forms are made. For remember, the planet was formed out of space debris or space dust.




The Making Ready Process.


All spheres do not become planets or suns. For a sphere to become a planet and later give birth to the various forms that live on it, combustion within the center must take place, which it does due to coml5ression. Once this takes place, the planet condenses the gases into water and separates the oil, for through heat, the so-called fatty substances are extracted from matter and the process of burning within the cavity of the earth increases and the pressure and the cavity becomes greater and greater.


At this stage of development the body of the planet is in a more or less (1) porus state and the weaker places act as veins in which the water and oil may flow while the heat is constantly coming to the surface and heating the body. Thus from the center out, with varying degrees of heat, the germs or seeds begin to germinate. As the pressure keeps moving to the surface the earth begins to sweat and the moisture begins to evaporate until the first clouds appear over the surface of the earth.


After much of the moisture has been evaporated and recreated into clouds, then the separation takes place at a given time and it comes back to earth as rain. Then vegetation and some form life begin to (2) florish.


As the surface of earth is virgin and filled with rich minerals the vegetation grows to an immense size. Should this vegetation be allowed to grow, mature and decay unhampered, the stench and poison gas would not permit any animal life to live on the planet. But nature knows how to balance all conditions, so the dinosaur and other large reptiles and insects appeared to eat the vegetation.


After a period of adjustment the reptiles became smaller and the animals and fowl appeared. Now the planet is ready for human habitation.


(1) porus --> porous
(2) florish --> flourish


To us poor mortals it seems incomprehensible that intelligent beings have always known how to travel space, but this is true. For when a planet is ready for habitation, volunteers from other systems are taken there to start the human population.


Other spheres become comets, for when a combustion takes place in their center, due to a weakness in their structure, a big opening is blown through their surface, and they propel themselves through space with the escaping gases, like a jet. A planet can in time become a comet, but a comet can never become a planet.


The earth and other planets have many outlets that we call volcanoes, that releases the excess pressure from time to time and keeps them from exploding.


The comets produce a lot of space debris and some go on for millions of years until they finally burn up. All of this debris is in space to be reused. The volcano when erupting deposits much of its debris on earth, but just as much, if not more goes into space, either in small dust forms or gases.


Now, you may ask, where does God fit into this plan? Whether you call the Supreme Being, God, or another name, there is a Great Intelligence of some nature that is back of all manifestation.


Space is like a vast ocean within which billions of forms of various kinds are born and live, depending upon space for their existence. In time we shall have all of this knowledge and more, as we venture into space. The Bible, if properly studied, gives us much information, in different phraseology of course. But as we look at the picture, with all of the schooling and knowledge that man is endowed with at present, it is but a scratch, to what is yet before him to be learned.


...... George Adamski