


 あなたが各々のページと各行を学習する際、あなたが受け取るそれぞれの印象を簡潔に書き留めて下さい。 一度にあまり多くを学習してはいけません。最良の成果は1ページを読み、そして進行し(続ける)前に、あなたの(受け止めた)すべての印象(複数)を、その後、すぐに書き留めなさい。


 全講座を学習してしまったら、続いて、それをもう一度(再び)学習しなさい。 このとき、あなたの印象(類)が変化してしまっていることに気づくでしょう。








 このようにして、あなたはそれ以上のいかなる援助もなしに、あなたが生きている限りにおいて成長し続けるのです。あなたは現在の自己の教師として、あなたの "真の自己" を用いているのです。もし、あなたがこれらの方法を用いるならば、生命の領域(分野)において学習に終わりというものはありません。


George Adamski


 To get best results from this Course, keep a pencil and a sheet of paper handy, As you study each page and each line, jot down each impression that you receive. Do not study too much at one time. Best results will be obtained by reading one page and then writing down all your impressions before proceeding on.


 After you have studied the whole Course, study it again. This time you will notice that your impressions have changed, yet they will blend with the first impressions. This is the self-developing process. Study the Course over and over, taking notes of your impressions each time. You will get new impressions with each studying.


 This shows that you are evolving higher and higher as you study the Course. In this way you become your own teacher. Don't forget to keep notes at all times.. Read these notes over from time to time and see how they blend with one another. Keep doing this until you no longer receive new impressions from the Course. However, as the Science of Life Course is meant to develop one's Cosmic Awareness - there can be no end to studying this Course, For continuous new impressions will come through each restudying of the Course.


 In the meantime you have written your own book. To continue in the development of yourself, follow the same process with the notes you kept as you went along. In this way you keep developing as long as you live without any further help. You are using your REAL SELF as the teacher of your present self. There is no end to learning in all fields of life if you use these methods.