The Word is changeless, whole and complete.
The Name personifies the Word - divides Its vastness into many parts, gives place and form to each and every part and power of utterance in an auditory state.
The whirling mass of substance called the Earth is to the mortal ears a mighty name, for on its surface humankind evolves and learns a tongue with which to speak the Name of That which in Itself is nameless, yet Earth shall change and pass away in Time, to reunite within the Cosmos.
The Word has always been, will always be, the Name has a beginning and an ending.
The Word has never given forth a Name and never shall, for in such act would lose its endless and eternal state of Being.
But Man, to whom free-will and power was given, who slumbers deep and dreams his mortal dreams, has in his waking moments labelled action and given name to consciousness and form.
His eyes at first were dim with mortal slumber;
he saw but vaguely through the mist of sleep, and only felt the coarsest of frequencies that shaped the holy substance into form, but those he named so he might build a memory of parts to guide his future waking states, for only by such means can he evolve to recognition of Cosmic Allness.
Little by little man's awareness of that which he encounters expands, and clearer grows his vision till at last his conscious awareness be holds the transcendent Cause behind the Name.
Out of the Primal Essence has come forth, charged with the Power of the Word, the manifested utterance of Cause.
The planets, worlds, the moon, the stars and suns, the leafing trees, the song bird and the rain, the beasts, the crawling reptiles and the dew, each in its own tongue expresses the Word.
But man has given unto each a Name and it is there that his attention lies.
Manifestation has become his God and he has placed the Name above the Word, which nameless is and silent and unseen yet causes all the named things to be.

[日本語訳] 久保田八郎 訳(中央アート出版社「21世紀の宇宙哲学」より)