One of the most ascribed methods of attaining physical and mental well-being is the development of the ability to relax.
Psychology, medical science, athletes, etc., all acknowledge the beneficial results obtained when the body is not tense, but the average individual finds it difficult to relax at will.
I believe that there is a misconception regarding relaxation.
It is often thought of as a state of inertia, and people will be heard to remark, "Oh,I haven't time to relax;
my work keeps me busy every minute."
If relaxation were truly understood such ones would realize that there is ofttimes much greater relaxation in work than in so-called periods of rest.
The law of nature demands purposeful action and if a person is intensely interested in his work he is making of himself an open channel for the free expression of energy which is always waiting to be used.
In other words, a person who has lost himself in some particular piece of work forgets to set up the usual mortal resistance to free-flowing energy and so opens himself automatically to its benefits.
Relaxation should be used as a process of reestablishing harmonious, non-resistant action;
the true way of expressing those words of the Christ, "Not my will but Thy Will be done."
Relaxation is not inertia!
A person may be very quiet and still not be relaxed.
It is possible to be in a state of lethargy which may be interpreted as relaxation but such a condition is no more than the effect produced by loss of equilibrium which lowers the frequency of the body cells and puts them in a state of partial coma.
Such a condition is to be avoided for it is actually destructive.
Relaxation does not include the creation of a mental vacuum or the cessation of action.
It is the means by which the mortal consciousness releases itself to the greater action of the Cosmos and therefore should not and cannot produce a dormant condition in any part of the body.
If a person is not aware of a finer and more intense activity taking place within his being he can assure himself that he is not relaxed but has merely dropped into a state of indifference.
A person may quiet the body through a form of self-hypnosis, but this is not relaxation, for it destroys the free action of the body elements.
The body is composed of tiny cells in each of which there is a spark of potential energy capable of unlimited radiation.
This spark or nucleus within each cell is the animating energy of the body, but because the particles surrounding this central force are generally held in the tense state they act as barriers or resisters to the energy within.
When this tense condition is released the outer substance composing each cell becomes receptive to the energy at its center and is set into a higher frequency through the action of the interpenetrating force.
Relaxation reduces the friction within the body by eliminating the resistance of one cell-form to another.
For instance, if a large number of fish were placed in a very small bowl there would be constant friction due to the inevitable contact between them, and the action of each would be retarded because of the congested condition existing within the bowl;
but if these same fish were released into a large pool they would swim about easily without interference with one another.
They would be in a position to use the potential energy which they possess.
The cells in the body act in the same manner and it is the mortal sense mind which must release them for free execution of their purpose.
The average individual does not realize how completely he is bound and limited by his own opinions.
Tenseness is wholly a condition caused by the personal ego;
possessiveness, greed, fear, covetousness and self desires all produce a set and unyielding condition within the body.
The person who is of a very positive nature finds relaxation a most difficult accomplishment, for relaxation consists of releasement and non-resistance.
It is a natural state of being which should be maintained at all times but cannot be held by one who is absorbed in self interest only.
In the beginning, man dwelt in the state of contentment and relaxation for he knew no "thine and mine"he was guided totally by the Father and his every conscious thought was executed freely and perfectly in its pure state of perception.
It was only when man set up resistance to free-action that he became tense;
the results of which are pain, disease and death.
When relaxed one is flexible and receptive to unlimited conscious energy which is free to all who draw upon it.
Life and energy are limitless but we can have only as much as we are willing to accept.
The people on Venus live this law and thereby do not have to endure the unpleasant conditions that we must contend with on earth.
Man is capable of expressing the fullness of life but he must become non-resistant to cosmic energy if he would have it express through him.
He has lost the true course of action by exalting the personal ego;
he has created the habit of believing that all accomplishment is brought about through the exertion of personal effort.
He fatigues himself unnecessarily by trying to force conditions which will come about perfectly in a natural way if allowed to do so.
Much energy is wasted because of personal dominance.
It is difficult for the mortal to understand that impersonal non-resistance allows a free flow of energy, that in peace there is more intense activity than in friction.
Man has become so aware of the coarser frequencies that he cannot realize action in its finer, more quiet and peaceful state.
One who does live the nonresistant, receptive attitude has found the highway of true happiness, for he knows no fatigue, no pain, no disappointment.
The idea that one must become strenuous in outward action or must display an appearance of great personal effort in order to accomplish outstanding things is a false belief.
The person who reaches the greatest heights of accomplishment is he who holds all of his actions in a serene and peaceful state, recognizing the fact that he is not the instigator or projector of intelligence but only the form through which it flows into manifestation;
and the more fully the recipient is cleared for action the greater the action will be.
It is not the exertion of the personal will but the releasement of the personal to the impersonal will which brings increased energy and wisdom into our lives.
We need only to remove the barrier of "self"-ishness and a tide of understanding will flow in and through our being until we become immersed in its activity.

[日本語訳] 久保田八郎 訳(中央アート出版社「21世紀の宇宙哲学」より)