Until quite recently mind and matter have been considered as widely separated as the poles.
The materialist has exalted matter into predominance and the metaphysician has given the supremacy to the mind, while consciousness has received scarcely a consideration.
There have, of course, always been alerted minds in the world who understand the inseparable relationship of mind, matter and consciousness and have made use of this knowledge in the field of practical evolvement, but the world in general has chosen to remain in the mystery of divisions.
Science has done much in proving many things which the majority of the people of the world previously refused to accept.
It has proven, for instance, that all forms are made up of cells which are composed of the same elements as the earth, air and water.
It has revealed the fact that the human body is no different in composition than any other form in the mineral, vegetable, or animal kingdom.
These cells or atoms of matter possess a certain amount of intelligence and are actually little entities not unlike the human being, but the world has not easily accepted the belief that a particle too small to be seen without the aid of a microscope can be the possessor of a mind, or intelligence.
Science has now brought forth the proof of this.
It speaks of living and disintegrating atoms of matter, and in working with these tiny cells it has learned to release a form of energy from the atom which is seen as a ray of light.
One professor of science has spoken of this as the soul of the atom, which certainly implies intelligence.
It needed not the aid of science, however, to prove the intelligence of matter, for the very fact that bodies act and grow proves that the cells must possess the consciousness to receive instructions from a higher intelligence.
We know that nature takes its own course in healing the body when called upon;
that a thought given by a man is immediately acted upon by the cells of his body, so matter must have a mind which is capable of receiving the command of either man or nature or it would not act accordingly.
Mind, itself, is nothing more than the highway over which consciousness projects ideas to set matter in motion.
If matter were not the possessor of mind there would be no avenue through which it could receive the thought impressions;
if it did not possess intelligence it could not act upon impressions, and if it did not possess consciousness it would be totally unaware of the command and would remain in a state of complete inertia.
We know from actual experience that when a thought is sent over the highway of mind that all of the cells of the body respond in a perfectly unified state in producing that impression in outward form.
It is not difficult to know if a man is joyous or angry.
The thought of anger will mold the matter composing the body into an exact image of itself ─ contorted features, flashing eyes, clenched fists, set mouth etc.
It may even produce a state of intense trembling throughout the form.
If the thought is changed to one of joy the body again responds and matter is molded according to an entirely different pattern ─ the eyes glow with a soft light, the features are relaxed, and the whole form becomes one of simple grace, a symphony of harmonious action.
Mortal thought, however, is not the intelligence, it is but an idea projected by consciousness.
It acts as a messenger between the sender and the receiver just as an idea consciously projected into a microphone travels on the mind of a radio (the ether waves) to the receiver.
The great unlimited force of intelligence, which is consciousness, broadcasts a message in the form of thought;
this message travels upon the highway of frequency called mind and contacts every part of the body.
Since every cell is the possessor of mind the idea impresses each of them at the same time and they as a whole give expression through and upon the body.
This is the same principle used in the operation of radio.
Once the message is given over the microphone all space is affected since it can be picked up anywhere by a good receiving set.
Thought affects the whole of matter in the same manner.
The radio frequency is carried on the waves of ether and is neither seen nor heard outside the studio unless it passes through a receiving set.
In this same way consciousness projects itself as an idea through space by an instantaneous action affecting all space at one time and the idea which is supported upon the waves of mind be come manifest only after passing through the instrument of matter.
In other words, mind is the channel over which man is supplied with conscious awareness just as the ether waves are the channel over which we receive the musical and oratorical expression of the consciousness broadcasting them.
The sense mind personifies the impressions received and distorts them with self opinions.
If the radio ethers are disturbed we on the receiving set get the disturbance called static, which means that we cannot get the program clearly.
This is also true with man, for when the mind of man is disturbed that which is corning from the broadcasting station of consciousness is not revealed perfectly and matter goes into action with a distorted conception of its mission.
The result is a state of confusion within the body.
Cosmic consciousness is never confused, it is always in a unified state, so the harmonious manifestation of an idea depends upon the stillness and impersonal attitude of the mind.
A clear peaceful mind will always bring desirable conditions.
A disturbed mind will cause distorted conditions.
This proves to us then, that mind is not all there is since it can be used one way or another.
Evolution is not the expression of mind but the expansion of mind.
Just as an ungraded road is broadened and leveled in order to accommodate more traffic upon it, so must the highway of mind be expanded and smoothed in order to allow consciousness to project more numerous vehicles of thought to their proper destination.
Mind is only the channel of expression, the avenue by which consciousness manifests itself in matter.
Body, mind and consciousness, then, are one and inseparable.
The body of matter would cease to exist if it were not supported by consciousness.
Consciousness could not express itself in matter were it not for the conveyer over which it travels, and mind would be a useless nothingness were it not acting as a channel between the two.
Remember, mind has the possibilities of expansion.
Matter, again, is in the process of evolution;
so neither mind nor matter is all in all.
[日本語訳] 久保田八郎 訳(中央アート出版社「21世紀の宇宙哲学」より)