There is nothing in this world that does not speak the universal language and reveal the secrets of the Cosmos if we are alerted to the frequency of that which we observe.
It is through this small world of ours that we can gain our understanding of the cosmos, and such knowledge can come through unceasing research regarding the elements which compose our earth, atmosphere, and the various forms upon the earth.
The Cosmos is ever active, constantly changing, and regardless of how little interest the average layman has in scientific subjects there is not one individual in the world who is not conscious of that ceaseless activity which is going on about him every moment.
The growth of flowers and trees, the falling of rain and snow, the evaporation of liquids, the expansion of metals under the influence of heat and their contraction under cold, the fermentation of vegetable matter, the oxidation of minerals, the perpetual construction and disintegration of forms cannot possibly escape the attention of even the least observant of men.
If we were to carefully gather all the gases that rise from a burning log and the ashes that were left after the fire had done its work we would find that nothing had been lost in the process of transmutation.
There is no such thing as total destruction.
The religionist looks more or less indifferently upon all of this changing phenomena, labels it the "work of God" and accepts at its surface value but the men of science have gone beyond the surface and uncovered the interesting and illuminating fact that life as a whole is the effect of an eternal process of chemicalization and that in the knowledge of Cause chemistry lies the victory over life and death, creation and recreation, joy and pain.
The universe is nothing more or less than an immense chemical laboratory in which elements are combining constantly to produce the innumerable forms of expression or manifestation.
The water, fire, earth, air, and the inconceivably fine ethers above the atmosphere of the earth are all chemical compositions.
Light and darkness, love and fear are all chemical reactions.
Even our thoughts are of chemical composition.
We are well aware that our bodies are composed of numerous chemicals;
we are also aware that our bodies will not act except when permeated with a conscious thought.
When a man is in a state of unconsciousness his body is inactive.
It is true that the organs of the body continue to function due to the slight chemical reaction which takes place between the composing cells of the structure but even this will not continue indefinitely.
The movement of any body will not take place without a chemical reaction of the elements composing the body, for it takes chemical reaction to produce energy.
Potential force exists as the Father-Mother Chemical within each atom of matter but it is the reaction of these elements that produces what is known as kinetic energy which is necessary to the service of any form-action.
Only another chemical will produce chemical reaction and the fact that thought is necessary to the action of the body means, then, that thought itself is chemical.
For instance, when a person is in a peaceful state of mind he can partake of food and his body will assimilate the minerals without the least opposing reaction, but eat a good meal and then take into the body a highly concentrated thought of hatred or fear ─ the reaction of the chemicals will very soon demand either the doctor or a good dose of bicarbonate of soda.
Fear, hate, selfishness, envy, etc., are elements which produce violent reactions when incorporated with the chemical contents of the body.
A fit of anger, which is nothing more or less than a chemical combustion, will tear down the body structure to a surprising degree and produce what is known as pain.
If the scientist in his laboratory combines certain elements according to the law of affinity and produces a harmonious result he is rewarded, but if he mixes the wrong chemicals he may blow himself to bits.
Just as logs placed upon a fire serve their purpose and their elements are changed but not destroyed, the original elements of any form are eternal.
A place where water has been may become dry but the hydrogen and oxygen which compose the liquid go on forever and may at any time return into form.
It is the action and reaction of chemicals that produce the personality which consequently must be ever changing, but the soul which is the sum total of the original elements remains forever the same ─ indestructible and eternal.
[日本語訳] 久保田八郎 訳(中央アート出版社「21世紀の宇宙哲学」より)