
第13章 パロマー山での楽しい生活

第13章 パロマー山での楽しい生活


During the next few months, I had several more contacts, both in the ships and with people from other planets who are working anonymously amongst us.


Palomar Gardens had been sold and we moved a few hundred feet up our mountain.


『Flying Saucers Have Landed』が一九五三年九月に英国で刊行され、一〇月にアメリカ版が出た。
Flying Saucers Have Landed was released in England in September, 1953, and the American edition followed in October.


There was much to be done in opening up this new territory.


Not only was it grown thick with live oak trees, but the land was filled with boulders.


We often spoke wistfully of the knowledge known on Earth ages ago which enabled men to lift and move great slabs of stone as though they were feathers.


The Egyptians who built the pyramids knew the secret, as did those who moved into place the great ancient statues found on Easter Island.


But we were obliged to depend on snorting bulldozers to break a road up through our land and nose out the rocks.


Our little group passed many stimulating evening hours planning the simple buildings we would have liked to put up here, not just to take care of ourselves but also to accommodate the ever-increasing number of people who were coming up to see me.


We had expected that the purchasers of Palomar Gardens would continue to operate it as a restaurant and modest guest house since there were no such accommodations within many miles from here.


But, for some reason, they decided to close it.


So, although we have no servants, we felt that we must give our visitors meals as a courtesy in view of the effort many of them made in planning time to come up for a visit.


We managed to build a kitchen unit convenient to level terrace we cut in the flank of our mountain.


The terrace turned out to be a colossal job, but with the help of several muscular young men who gave their time, it was finally accomplished.


Our efforts were well rewarded.


A portion of the terrace is shaded by magnificent live oaks and we can look out to the tops of mountains, lifting one behind the other in soft pastels until the last all but blends into the sky.


We equipped this spot with outdoor chairs, benches and picnic style tables and bought a small charcoal grill.


At first we all lived as best we could in two old cabins belonging to friends on a strip of land just next to ours.


We used the kitchen unit, also serving as an office and a bedroom for one of us, as a meeting place when weather drove us indoors.


As yet, we had neither running water nor electricity.


A pure stream flowed underground down the side of our mountain.


We piped this to the surface and made a little pool with an outlet so that the water was always fresh.


This we carried up in buckets.


We knew that, in spite of our dreams and the need for such things, we could not just go ahead and have these buildings constructed until we had the money to pay for them.


So, although our living would no doubt appear uncomfortably primitive to most people, and the labor hard, we were happy with what we did have, and every small contributing comfort to ease the daily chores that we could add from time to time meant more than if it had come easily.


It was a wonderful day when we knew that we could now put up a small building which would contain one fair-sized room where I could talk with my visitors in inclement weather, and a smaller room for a proper office.


We knew of a contractor in a small city about twenty-five miles distant who was honest and dependable, and we got in touch with him.


The kitchen unit had been built entirely by ourselves and our good friends, some of whom had been my pupils in the instruction of universal law for many years.


That first small unit will always mean a great deal to me because of the friendship and loyalty that made its achievement possible.


Now we could have a real contractor!


He proved to be a very fine man and became interested in my work.


The little cottage was quickly completed.


We had enough money left to furnish it in attractive comfort.


And here were two small lavatories with a shower between!


Although we had no electricity until just a few weeks since the time of this writing, the water ran through the pipes, and what matter if it were cold -- and a mere trickle!


The long wait for the electricity which now gives us heat and has made our candles and kerosene lamps obsolete was just one more delight, and worth waiting for.


While we were working our way toward our present comfort, we managed to support quite a bit of animal life in the style to which it was accustomed.


These included two dogs and six cats, not to mention frequent well-conducted visits from their fellow creature, the skunk.


These much maligned animals are disposed to be social and amiable when not antagonized, and they know friends when they see them.


They drink milk from the cats' bowls and share meat with the dogs, seldom under protest from any animal.


Occasionally, when one of the dogs decides to make an issue of it and rushes the interloper, yapping loudly, Mr.Skunk merely retires up the mountain side with grace and some speed, the upraised tail proving nothing at all.


Between lecture engagements which took me into the Middle West, New York and Canada, I worked on the premises in every capacity for which I was fitted, stopping only to talk to my friends and the many strangers who came to see me.


Although I had lecture engagements scheduled for the East Coast, and in England, while in Canada I became very fatigued and lost my voice.


The lectures were very close together and I seem unable to learn how I can save my strength when discussing the subjects closest to my heart.


In addition to the formal lectures, many of my listeners naturally wanted to ask questions later.


Somehow, I could not heed what I knew to be good advice in respect to leaving the lecture hail before these good people could get at me!


As a result, I couldn't talk any more, and my doctor ordered cancellation of both the Eastern and the English lecture engagements, and a complete rest for at least six months.


This edict was a great disappointment to me for obvious reasons, but one to which I was forced to bow.


Soon after my return to the mountains I love, I regained my voice and at least insisted on using it when visitors arrived.


I fear I must be a very troublesome proposition to those who try to make me behave with what they call some sense.


Probably I simply have none.


In any case, whatever I may spend of myself in giving as I can to those who have sought me out, I know that I receive far more in many ways.


In June of 1954, Desmond Leslie, whom I would have met for the first time in New York had I been able to carry out my program, came to Palomar instead.


This was a great joy.


Endowed with a very interesting mind and a delightful sense of humor, he added much to our little group here, not only in that he shared our common interests but also entered into the nonsense which often overtook us when relaxation from serious subjects was indicated.


Although he had expected to stay only a month or so, Desmond remained with us until late in August.


I look forward to seeing him again in his country sometime in 1955 when I go over to fulfill the postponed lecture tour.


Altogether, what with the further meetings with my friends from other worlds, the increasing list of good friends on this world of many types and kinds, the good healthy outdoor work and putting together the material for this book, my days were very full and happy.


Occasionally, I even rested when my friends began to look at me in a certain unpleasant manner!


We soon discovered that the purpose of the new cottage was going to have to be extended.


So, just before Desmond's arrival, in order to provide a bedroom, we put a partition up in the center of the large room which we had planned as a forum and informal lecture hail.


As it was, one of us was still sleeping in the old cabin -- and another still had a bed in the kitchen unit.


So now, the new arrangements provided us with half a lecture room, in which I sleep, one proper bedroom and an office complete with a cot.


We felt really set up when, shortly after, we transformed a pup tent into a comfortable sleeping place by raising it off the ground on a plywood base and running screen around the upper half.


Thus, we got the bed Out of the kitchen!


I am still engaged in piping water in and out of tanks and round about the grounds (with some able women assistants!) and feel very proud of the results.


The former trickle in wash bowls and shower is now a veritable torrent, and we have made a real little pool under a live oak tree and planted flowers around its rock border.


Just this morning we took a cement cupid and a crane out from under the house and placed them in the pool.


They look very pleased.


We work hard, but we are happy.


The mountains are always there before our eyes, never monotonous in the beauty that changes with dawn, the full sunlight and the setting sun.


They are lovely at dusk, whether touched with moonlight or dark against a sky full of stars.


And often we see the Saucers flashing overhead.


In fact, in recent weeks the space ships have been seen by many in neighboring towns and cities.


We are content to know that they are there above us, and in the skies of all our Earth.


We hope that in the not too far distant future all peoples in our world may see and know them for what they are; and we hope that many of those whose words would convince, who do know now and have kept silence, will speak out in the interest of all mankind.

[日本語訳] 久保田八郎 訳(中央アート出版社「第2惑星からの地球訪問者」より)

宇宙船の内部 宇宙哲学 テレパシー 生命の科学